David Coates

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Political Roundtable with Mike Collins

Last month, we did two shows on political conversation, one from the perspective
of a liberal, and one from the conservative standpoint. Both conversations
were enlightening and interesting, and each guest expressed interest in talking
to each other. So today, we’ll do just that. Brenton Stransky, author of The
Young Conservative’s Field Guide and Dr. David Coates, author of Answering
Back: A Liberal Toolkit will join us, together, to talk about their respective
political philosophies.

Brenton Stransky – Co-author, The Young Conservative’s Field Guide and
a Financial Consultant
Dr. David Coates – Author, Answering Back and Chair, Anglo-American Studies
at Wake Forest University

Source: http://wfae.org/wfae/18_93_0.cfm?do=detail&id=12230

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