Media Coverage - Audio & Video Clips

ZSR Lecture – America in the Shadow of Empires
Z Smith Reynolds Library lecture of September 22, 2016: America in the Shadow of Empires

Hosted by the Arch Society and sponsored by the BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism, the Office of the VP and Dean of Student Affairs, the Department of Economics, and the Department of Politics and International Affairs. The Wake Forest Arch Society exists as a student organization to facilitate discussion about relevant political, social, ...

Beyond the Euro Crisis: David Coates on British imperalism and its negative consequences
Presentation by Prof. David Coates, of the political science department at Wake Forest University, to the UNC TransAtlantic Masters cohort, Oct. 5, 2012, at the FedEx Global Education Center, UNC-Chapel Hill. Sponsored by the Center for European Studies.

Beyond the Euro Crisis: Fall Lecture Series with David Coates
TAM student Faisal Abdelrahman speaks with David Coates of Wake Forest University, the Oct. 5 speaker in the CES lecture series, about why Americans “should care about” the economic crisis in Europe.

In conversation with Melissa Harris-Perry, September 1 2012 – Part 1
This video, part one of two is a discussion between Melissa Harris-Perry and a panel of guests, including David Coates. Watch part 2 »

In conversation with Melissa Harris-Perry, September 1 2012 – Part 2
This video is about welfare cuts and race in America, and is also a discussion between Melissa Harris-Perry and a panel of guests, including David Coates. It is part two of two. Watch part 1 now »

TAM Lecture: David Coates on the financial crises in US & UK (1/2)
Comparisons between Washington and London and government responses by Professor David Coates to TransAtlantic Masters cohort, Sept. 23, 2011, at the FedEx Global Education Center, UNC-Chapel Hill. Watch Part 2

TAM Lecture: David Coates on the financial crises in US & UK (2/2)
Comparisons between Washington and London and government responses by Professor David Coates to TransAtlantic Masters cohort, Sept. 23, 2011, at the FedEx Global Education Center, UNC-Chapel Hill. Watch Part 1

This video is part of the “Where Are You From” profile series from the Wake Forest University American Ethnic Studies department.

Foreclosure Politics Here and Across the Pond
Martin Andelman says: David and I have been communicating over the last year and I invited him to join me on a podcast because he offers points of view that are as fascinating as they are erudite and well-considered. They are also not the same thing you’ve heard before, as they cover the foreclosure crisis ...

A Liberal Toolkit (book) – Introduction
One of the great pleasure of living in a DVD world is that home entertainment always comes now with “bonus features”. This book certainly does. – two kinds of bonus features at least. Here you will find, organized on a chapter-by-chapter basis to parallel the book, a guide to sources and further reading. You will ...

WFDD interview on immigration topics
A Conversation with Professor David Coates It’s a contentious topic shaped largely by partisan lines. Immigration, and immigration reform, might be taking a back seat to health care, the economy and the war in Afghanistan; for now. Wake Forest University Professor David Coates holds the World Chair in Anglo-American Studies. He’s worked on more than ...

WUNC “State of Things” interview on immigration
Between 1990 and 2005 an average of 1 million immigrants per year came legally into this country. In 2005 the number of illegal immigrants was estimated at just over 11 million. Making the distinction between legal and illegal immigration is just one of the problems vexing national, state and local policy makers. Legality matters to ...

Mike Collins Interview on “Charlotte Talks”
We live in an age of ever-increasing political divisiveness and our rhetoric reflects that. No matter the topic- trickle-down economics, welfare, social security, health care, immigration control, war, economics- our discourse seems to degenerate into shouting matches using jargon. Wouldn’t we benefit from a different kind of discussion? Of course. And in his book, Answering ...

Talking health care politics with Dr. Steve Feldman
Our health care system is capable of both modern miracles and appalling failures. What should we do to make the system better and what can you do to makes sure you’re getting the best health care possible? Steve breaks it down with experts from the trenches. Join us to find out about making a healthier ...

Political Roundtable with Mike Collins
Last month, we did two shows on political conversation, one from the perspective of a liberal, and one from the conservative standpoint. Both conversations were enlightening and interesting, and each guest expressed interest in talking to each other. So today, we’ll do just that. Brenton Stransky, author of The Young Conservative’s Field Guide and Dr. ...

David Coates talk on Capitalism. In a recent interview David was asked about what direction we are heading in with capitalism: What we are seeing is a government intervention in the banking system that’s designed explicitly to strengthen the rest of the private sector. That intervention is already large. It may grow larger yet. But ...

David on the Kathleen Dunn Show – Making the Progressive Case Towards a Stronger U.S. Economy
Kathleen Dunn can be heard on WPR’s Ideas Network stations Monday through Thursday mornings from 9-11am, leading balanced discussions about the issues of the day and the issues of our time. Kathleen Dunn and David Coates discuss, “Making the Progressive Case Towards a Stronger U.S. Economy.”

A three-part video lecture, Making the Progressive Case, was delivered September 22, 2011, at Wake Forest University, designed to launch the start of the 2011-12 campaign culminating in the general election. It was a call to arms, urging its audience to challenge Republican policies and to press the Obama Administration to honor its progressive commitments.

Midterm Election Analysis: Robert Parry
Midterm Election Analysis, Part 1. Robert Parry of ConsortiumNews sees the election as a continuation of Reaganism; Prof. David Coates of Wake Forest has 3 points of advice for Democrats. Parry is a veteran Washington-based journalist who traces the latest Democratic loss to Reagan’s depiction of government and liberals as evil. We talk about the ...