David Coates

Archive for August, 2013

August 30, 2013

Back to Basics on the Question of Labor

As we prepare to celebrate another Labor Day, we do well to remember that celebrating labor on just one day always runs the risk of implying that every other day is not a labor day. Celebratory days can invite tokenism as equally as they can generate empathy. Celebrating the fact of labor can so easily […] read more »
August 20, 2013

Revisiting “Resisting Republican Excess”

The blog entry Resisting Republican Excess – written as a critical comment on the policies introduced by North Carolina’s Republicans since they captured both the legislature and the governorship in 2012 –  triggered more than a thousand comments in the immediate wake of its posting two weeks ago. read more »
August 6, 2013

Resisting Republican Excess

Very dark political forces stalk the land, and we do ourselves, and those who will come after us, no favors by pretending otherwise. read more »