David Coates

Archive for May, 2013

May 25, 2013

The Half-forgotten Debt Crisis

            The attention span in Washington DC these days is remarkably short, and multi-tasking is something at which Congress seems particularly inept. So right now the focus there is overwhelming on just one thing, scandals – some genuine, some imagined, all minor – while the real business of the American people goes largely unexamined. The […] read more »
May 6, 2013

America’s Half-forgotten Housing Crisis

            On the housing front, the good news is that the President wants Mel Watt to head the FHFA. The bad news is that, precisely because the President wants him, there is no certainty that Mel Watt will be confirmed. read more »
May 2, 2013

Gridlock in Washington: Conservative Heaven!

Commentary on recent developments in American politics, written for a British audience read more »